Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Yumbox excitement

Harper's yumbox arrived today! I am so excited about using it, we're going on a long trip on Saturday and we will definitely be packing it up for the journey. It's in framboise pink, and it's awesome, we're going to have a go tomorrow at putting purees and finger food in it, as she is having a mix of puree and baby led weaning foods, so she gets all the benefit of learning ot feed herself and I know how much she's eaten. I've been inspired by a few people on my instagram feed, and the yumbox tag on instagram too, and finally decided that I would get one of my own and let myself be a bit creative with her lunches.
Given the non-leaky nature of the yumbox, we can easily transport both puree, yoghurts along with solid food like rice cakes and sandwiches/toast soldiers (or that's the idea anyway!)
I'm now on the hunt for cookie cutters and stamps to make little themed lunches for when she's older and learning shapes, I can't wait to get stuck into this, it's letting me have a little creative flair with how I feed the little one and I'm having a bit of a nerd-out about it.
I have a pinterest board for yumbox ideas and you can find it here - I am way too excited about a plastic box! I'll be posting more as I do some, and will be reviewing the whole non-leaky thing too, can't wait to test it!

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