Thursday, 23 October 2014

Finger painting and puppy cuddles

Lots of fun was had with
our edible finger paint
We have been looking on pinterest a lot lately since we got Harper's yumbox (see my previous post, there will be more about that soon!) and we discovered lots of different edible finger paints recipes, so we figured we'd give it a little go!
A masterpiece,
I am sure you will agree
We have a bunch of baby rice and stuff that we never used and probably never will so I decided to pop a bit of food colouring in that and see how we diddled - it was a great success! She really enjoyed herself - more "paint" on her than the paper, but a good time was had by all nonetheless. She really enjoyed squishing the paint in her hands and er... throwing it across the room too. She painted her first picture and once it's dry (providing it keeps) it'll go on the fridge until she's 20 probably, if it doesn't keep I have a photo of it that I will print out and keep on the fridge instead, with her name and age on it. I really enjoyed doing this with her, of course she sits on her own now but I sat just behind her and watched her have fun and it was nice for me to watch (despite the colourful baby rice that is encrusted on my jeans now).
After all her painting she was quite tired, so we put her in her bouncy chair (that she's pretty much outgrown, but still loves) for a nap, and the dog got in and joined her, making probably the cutest thing that's ever happened ever happen in our house - shortly before I fished him out because he's not allowed in there, which woke her up and I got this beautiful picture. That's one for the album!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Yumbox excitement

Harper's yumbox arrived today! I am so excited about using it, we're going on a long trip on Saturday and we will definitely be packing it up for the journey. It's in framboise pink, and it's awesome, we're going to have a go tomorrow at putting purees and finger food in it, as she is having a mix of puree and baby led weaning foods, so she gets all the benefit of learning ot feed herself and I know how much she's eaten. I've been inspired by a few people on my instagram feed, and the yumbox tag on instagram too, and finally decided that I would get one of my own and let myself be a bit creative with her lunches.
Given the non-leaky nature of the yumbox, we can easily transport both puree, yoghurts along with solid food like rice cakes and sandwiches/toast soldiers (or that's the idea anyway!)
I'm now on the hunt for cookie cutters and stamps to make little themed lunches for when she's older and learning shapes, I can't wait to get stuck into this, it's letting me have a little creative flair with how I feed the little one and I'm having a bit of a nerd-out about it.
I have a pinterest board for yumbox ideas and you can find it here - I am way too excited about a plastic box! I'll be posting more as I do some, and will be reviewing the whole non-leaky thing too, can't wait to test it!