Friday, 22 May 2015

#frankiefox, crafty hooking and Sarah and Duck!

Frankie is a very
handsome fox!
We've been trying to go on an adventure a week - especially now we have Frankie Fox in tow (I'll introduce him in a minute). We've been getting the small one out and about now she's more interested in things, and she is a particular fan of the great outdoors (read: trees. leaves, dogs) and while she's not walking it's nice to pop her in the tula or a wrap and let her look around while I have a nice long walk through a forest, park or field while we have the dog.
It's been nice to spend time as a family as well, and spending our time outside is even nicer, especially as the weather seems a lot better at the moment.
Spotted: Baby Gruffalo
Anyway, We (read: Harper) picked up a little stuffed fox toy in our local Morrisons and at a fiver, I couldn't really say no, I'm quite partial to a cute fox toy anyway! So we picked him up and paid for him and he has since been christened Frankie Fox and taken everywhere with us. Everywhere, we have even tried putting Frankie fox down the toilet for an exploratory mission - thankfully he was caught in the nick of time because I can't imagine that would have made for very nice pictures... I have started a little hashtag on twitter to document his whereabouts, if you want to see what he's been up to check out #frankiefox
We have been to the seaside, we have been in the garden and we have been to a
HUGE country park near us on a gruffalo hunt (which was enjoyed all the more by Harper off-roading in her smart trike - not a smart idea at all)
Frankie at the beach
It's so nice to get outside after months of dreary, grey, wet and cold crappy weather, and it's nice to appreciate the sunshine (while we get it) with Harper this year as well - even if it would be much easier if she would just walk already! She's taken a few steps but she's just not interested, and to be fair if I could get away with not walking, I would too!
I have also very recently learned to crochet! And I have a BIG project on the go at the moment, but can't show you until the luck recipient has received his present (for father's day, not long so I had better get a wiggle on) and I am going to be making Harper some Sarah and Duck toys because it is a fabulous cartoon and I love it - Harper isn't bothered one bit, but I need an excuse and a 14 month old who enjoys a little bit of cbeebies is the perfect one! Really though, if you haven't checked out Sarah and Duck yet, do! It's like a bunch of hipsters made a cartoon for their little hipster children and it's just adorably obscure and witty and I actually enjoy it more than my child, so it's got the grown up factor in there too, it's fab and I love it!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Belated Easter fun, growing, changing and loving!

Not even a little bit happy about her
bunny ears...  
Well, it's been a while (again) and a lot has changed (again) and Harper is growing by what seems like the second! She is still not big by any means - at 19lbs 11oz and 73cm long, she's a diddy dot - but so much bigger than she was yesterday, or she feels like it anyway.
She's saying more and more words, and knows the sign for Mr. Tumble now too - and she's enjoying her sing and sign classes (well, she's enjoying crawling around and causing havoc, I am the one doing more of the singing and the signing).
She's growing in to a proper little kidlet now, and looking less like a baby, she isn't quite walking, she's taken a few steps here and there but she's not really got the confidence to let go of things as she walks, but she's a bit of a pro when it comes to running the walker/pram/anything that holds her up in to my ankles - and thus we are learning the meaning of the word 'no', so much so that I think perhaps she thinks it's her name?
After the results of the recent general election, I'm a little bit torn as to what to do with her education, but I suppose I have plenty of time to think about it still. I am however beginning to find little montessori activities for her to do to keep her entertained and busy. She loves helping and she loves the phone too, she will have a real conversation with her toy phones, the remote pressed to her ear and most recently, a banana and it makes me wonder if perhaps I talk to much! She holds it to her ear and says 'Iya!! *insert loud, baby noises and chatter with the occassional word thrown in* BAH! *waving*' and then the phone gets chucked on the floor normally - to start the process again. She's so entertaining these days and an absolute joy to watch!
Brushing Rigby, immensely proud of herself!
Her and our dog Rigby are best friends, even closer than they were before - unfortunately we lost our beautiful little black and white cat who was very tolerant of an overly excited and loving baby and we all felt the loss, even Harper did I think. But Rigby is brilliant with her, of course she's never left alone with him, but they play together and they have their
morning nap together and it's just beautiful!
I'm going to leave you with a beautiful picture of them napping together for now - but I'll be back soon (probably not!)